Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Creative Space: Owly Bits

knitting and crochet project by morrgan - tiny brown owls Oh look, it's another pile of random-looking yarny things! This is one of the projects for this week - a bunch of tiny owl magnets. Mmmm, I love that chocolate brown.

With this post I'll again be taking a few internetless days to enjoy summer over the weekend. I should be back in time for next week's Tuesday Finds, so see you then!

Want to see the creative spaces of others? Head on over to Kootoyoo's blog for a look!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Introducing Hugo the Hugglephant

On August 22nd 2009 I tweeted thusly:

"is starting work on the HUGGLEPHANT."

I got off to a good start, then had to prepare for a trip and after that the holiday season was upon me. Poor Hugo has been terribly neglected since then, until the start of July. I picked up where I left off and am very happy to finally be able to introduce:

pink elephant or hugglephant by morrgan Hugo the Hugglephant
Hugglephants are like elephants, only their trunks are extra-long for hugging!

pink elephant or hugglephant by morrgan Hugo the Hugglephant dreams of becoming an acrobat when he grows up. He enjoys spending his time by rehearsing fun tricks, like standing on his head!

pink elephant or hugglephant by morrgan However, he is a hugglephant first and foremost, so he makes sure to also take frequent huggling breaks.

Hugo is available as a pattern via Ravelry (or click here to buy now - no Ravelry account needed) and from my Etsy shop. The pattern can also be used to make a regular elephant.

Want to see more creature introductions?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Creative Space: Nessies!

knitted nessie plesiosaurs in turquoise and purple by an aquarium Well, I finished the custom order I mentioned I was working on last week. These plesiosaurs were shipped yesterday and I miss them already. *sigh* I'm just so happy about how they turned out.

I might have to make a big Nessie or two for myself to sit by the aquarium. I think the red-finned Fishmeat (seen chatting with the plesies in the photo) misses the company as well.

Want to see the creative spaces of others? Head on over to Kootoyoo's blog for a look!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tiny Dragons - The 3rd batch

The 3rd batch of five tiny dragons is ready for introductions. From the left to the right:

#11. Hugh - light blue and teal
#12. Dawn - light green and dark green
#13. Doris - purple and dark brown
#14. Lewis - turquoise and brown
#15. Samuel - dark green and black

Here's how it works: Every now and then I make a batch of 5 dragons. Each dragon will have a unique set of colours and they will get a signed hatching certificate with their name, number and date. When they're ready to list, I post an introduction on this blog like the one above. During the following few days, I'll list them in numerical order in my Etsy shop. Should you happen to spot one you must have, let me know and I can reserve it for you.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Photos from the balcony garden

How did I survive those 10 or so years without a balcony or garden? By spending a lot of time in my parents' garden and having my aquariums filled with an ridiculous amount of plants, I suppose. Seriously though, now I can't imagine going back to living without an opportunity to grow my own edibles and flowers.

rusty red tagetes marigolds Ah, such pretties. I think these marigolds are the first plants I've grown from seeds to flowering plants. So easy, so satisfying.

green pea pod My first balcony-grown pea pod! It ain't summer without fresh peas.

striped red and orange tomato A funky striped tomato! I don't know what was up with this one, but it tasted just fine. Didn't kill us either.

a balcony full of plants And here's an overview of about half of the balcony. Had I been smart I would have cleaned away the tools and such under the table before taking the photo. Oh well.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Creative Space: Finished Chompy Hearts

wild chompy red hearts with big teeth Remember last week's random pile of knitted red pieces? It's turned into proper hearts gone wild. Rawr. Some of these are for a custom order, but a few will be making their way into the shop later, once I manage to take some proper photos of them.

(The small ones are magnetic, meaning you can finally have wild chompy hearts guarding your fridge. Perfect!)

Other than that I don't have much to show so far this week. I have done quite a bit of knitting, mostly on another custom order, but all I could show of that would be more piles of random shapeless forms from yarn and there was enough of that last week. ;)

Want to see the creative spaces of others? Head on over to Kootoyoo's blog for a look!

Thursday, July 08, 2010

My Creative Space: Chompy Hearts

The flu is finally all gone and it's back to knitting for me! I have a couple of custom orders on my plate, starting with this:

This random-looking pile of red will eventually turn into a number of hearts gone wild. As you can see, I use up to six double-pointed needles when making these guys. I like my knitting complicated.

Want to see the creative spaces of others? Head on over to Kootoyoo's blog for a look!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Tuesday Finds: For the Garden

giant red cherry tomato Here it is, the tomato that was the greenish orange-yellow thing in the previous post. Once the process started, it didn't take long for my first ever homegrown tomato to turn a lovely bright red. Nor did it take long for us to eat it. =) Yum!

So, this week's Tuesday Finds are inspired by this giant cherry tomato - all sorts of neat things for the garden/gardener.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

How my (Balcony) Garden Grows

flower box purple lobelia purple and orange pansies It's been a while since my previous "planty" post. The flower box (on the right) has filled out nicely in June and the pale purple lobelias are doing especially well. The most exciting thing at the moment can be seen below though - my first ever tomato is turning red! Yay!

I took the photo a few days ago and since then it has become a pretty orange red, turning a deeper red every day. I've got two tomato plants, each planted in their own plastic bucket (very convenient), and both have many many tomatoes on the way. They're supposed to be cherry tomatoes, but I think someone forgot to inform these plants of that fact - just look at the size of that first tomato!

cherry tomato
flower box with peas sweet peas radishes and marigolds My other growing edibles, these ones planted from seeds, are also coming along. In this flower box on the left I have edible peas planted together with sweet peas, both growing and climbing fast right now. Radishes and a few pathetic leaves of chives can be found in the pots. I also have marigolds growing here and there, both in the pots and box.

So, what's next? Well, this weekend I got my hands on a second big wooden box, about 50 litres in volume. =) I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what to plant in it, but I'm leaning towards a bush or two of blueberries, together with a climbing plant with pretty flowers - maybe a Clematis or a rose, such as New Dawn? Suggestions are welcome!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

My Creative Space: Homemade Piña Colada Ice Cream!

As you can see, I'm back on the internet. I spent the previous week relaxing with family and it was all good. So what happens when I get back home? BAM, I get a summer flu. A very mean flu too. It meant I couldn't do much other than go "oh woe is meeee" in bed in a plaintive voice, hoping Mr Morrgan would take pity on me and bring me nice things to eat and drink. (Which he did.)

It also meant I haven't been able to do any knitting. However, I'm a person who can't sit still for very long. Once I was well enough to get out of bed, I needed a project to work on. While browsing blogs, I came upon a photo of homemade ice cream. And BAM again, it hit me: I must make homemade ice cream!

Behold my first batch of ice cream!

As I can't follow a recipe to save my life, I got creative about this too. "Coconut ice cream? Boooring, when I can make a few modifications and make piña colada ice cream instead! Can't find a recipe for that? No problem, just take this and that, and add some of those with a pinch of these..." Well, you see how it goes.

In the end I made up a recipe of my own for homemade piña colada ice cream, made from scratch with whipping cream, cream of coconut, crushed pineapple, white rum etc. No eggs, no ice cream machine. For a first try, I'm very pleased! As is Mr Morrgan, who now has the flu too and needs ice cream to soothe his aching throat (or so he claims).

While surprisingly close in texture to storebought ice cream, it's not perfect yet. I'll fiddle with the recipe some more and when I'm happy with it, I'll share it on this blog. Fun times. =)

Want to see the creative spaces of others? Head on over to Kootoyoo's blog for a look!