Sunday, August 21, 2011

Reds in the Garden

Just a few quick shots from the balcony garden, showing off some of the red hues this time.

As soon as I saw this dahlia, I just had to get it. I've never seen one like this before!

Lots of flowers throughout the summer, it's been gorgeous.

The pelargonia has been another gorgeous one, full of flowers. It's the first time I've tried one in the balcony and it seems to be a perfect fit for the conditions.

The indian cress turned out just as I wanted for the first time, after a couple of years of semi-failed attempts. This year it finally does a good job of covering one end of the balcony. It also does a good job of luring the pests away from my edible plants, both pretty and practical!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tiny Dragons - The 8th Batch

Hot on the heels of the previous group, here's the 8th batch of tiny dragons. From the left to the right:

#36. Lime - yellow and bright green (reserved!)
#37. Choco - brown and dark brown
#38. Spearmint - light green and teal
#39. Flame - orange and red
#40. Plum - purple and dark purple

Here's how it works: Every now and then I make a batch of 5 dragons. Each dragon has a unique set of colours and they get a signed hatching certificate with their name, number and date.

When they're ready to list, I post an introduction on this blog like the one above. During the following few days, I'll list them in numerical order in my Etsy shop. Should you happen to spot one you must have, let me know and I can reserve it for you.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Tiny Dragons - The 7th Batch

It's been a while since the last time, but now the 7th batch of five tiny dragons is ready for introductions. From the left to the right:

#31. Harley - orange and black (reserved!)
#32. Alex - bright teal and brown
#33. Mildred - pale lavender and dark reddish purple
#34. Sunny - yellow and orange
#35. Steele - bright blue and dark blue

Here's how it works: Every now and then I make a batch of 5 dragons. Each dragon has a unique set of colours and they get a signed hatching certificate with their name, number and date.

When they're ready to list, I post an introduction on this blog like the one above. During the following few days, I'll list them in numerical order in my Etsy shop. Should you happen to spot one you must have, let me know and I can reserve it for you.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

The Balcony Garden: Time for Yellow

Yikes, it's already August?? Where did the summer go. ._.

On the positive side, August is when the balcony looks its best, if everything's gone well. We were away from home quite a lot in July and the plants would have wanted more water than they got because of this, but the balcony is still looking better than last year.

One recent development is that the yellow flowers have finally opened! Here's the first sunflower:

This one is called Black-Eyed Susan, a pretty vine that climbs among my woodbine.

I like to have the colour scheme change a bit as the seasons change, so the timing of these is perfect. Nevertheless, the overall impression of my little green corner is still red/orange and green:

Very pleased with how it's turned out this year. =)

There's still 3 more sunflowers that haven't started flowering yet and the Black-Eyed Susan has only just gotten started, so it'll be interesting to see how the view changes this month.

Monday, August 01, 2011

A Teetering Tower of Yarn

Q: What does a Morrgan do when she receives a tall CD-tower?

A: She fills it up with yarn, of course!

Alas, I must admit it's not the most practical form of storage. Even a tower this tall will only hold a fraction of my yarns. Sure, I was able to empty a whole box of yarn into this, but there's another 8 boxes of yarn in the storage room.

It does look rather pretty though, doesn't it? =) Some colour is just what that empty white space needed.