Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Morrgan's Creatures patterns now available as instant downloads on Etsy!

Tony and Hubert are among the creatures
available as patterns in my Etsy shop.

As the title explains, the patterns for my creatures are now available as instant downloads after purchase on Etsy. No more waiting for emails! I've always taken pride in emailing patterns to customers as soon as possible, but we all know any wait is too long when you're excited about a new project, right? ;)

Plus, as I no longer have to worry about timely emails, this means I can also keep the Etsy shop open while I'm on vacation and the patterns will be available for purchase all year round. Hooray!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A last look at winter

I went out for a walk today, as I often do, with Mr Morrgan (which happens less often). The weather was gorgeous; sunny and warm as if summer was already here. Just the other week it was still cold, wet and miserable, so I'm having trouble adjusting to this sudden, complete change. It feels as if I saw scenes like the one below mere weeks ago. But no, this was taken as far back as February. Months ago. Yikes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have summer again. I look forward to summer! It'll be warm and sunny and totally not depressing! Yay!

But yeah, the unusual way in which the weather went from winter to very late spring in a few days was a bit much for me to adjust to. (I can go outside in a t-shirt now? Woooooah. Where the heck did I put my summer clothes again?)

As you can see, I still have some photos taken on my winter walks, which I never got around to posting. I shall post a couple now and maybe one more a bit later. A last farewell to winter, and then I will hopefully be ready to move on to summer. ;)

Friday, May 03, 2013

Tiny Dragons - The 29th Batch

Woah, May already? It's almost summer time. Where did spring go?

Probably missed it because I was obsessed with knitting tiny dragons. Again. Speaking of, batch no 29 is ready! And now I'm officially Knitted Out for now, as far as dragons are concerned that is.

Coming next? Quite possibly a new pattern, if all goes well!

From left to right:

#141. Natalie - peach and rusty orange
#142. Anton - bright turquoise and bright teal
#143. Callisto - light purple and dark purple
#144. Bruno - sand and brown
#145. Emery - deep green and greyish blue

Here's how it works: Every now and then I make a batch of 5 dragons. Each dragon has a unique set of colours and they get a signed hatching certificate with their name, number and date.

When they're ready to list, I post an introduction on this blog like the one above. During the following few days, I'll list them in numerical order in my Etsy shop. Should you happen to spot one you must have, let me know and I can reserve it for you.