Thursday, November 08, 2012

Introducing Sophie the Sleepy Snake

a knitted plush snake called Sophie

Sophie is a pretty laid-back snake lady. Give her a warm place to sleep and a hug now and then and she’ll be as happy as can be!

There's a little doodle in my notebook, a few years old by now. I'm pleased to say it looks pretty much exactly like the photo above. There are few things more satisfying than being able to create a design exactly as I've seen it in my mind's eye.

After the Humboldt pattern was ready, with its many pieces to knit and sew together into a fancy bunny, I knew that I wanted to make something simpler for my next project. Something with few parts and straightforward knitwork. With this in mind, I browsed through my idea notebook and came upon the drawing mentioned above. Perfect!

At the time I had also been working on other small knitted projects and had ended up with quite a pile of yarn ends on my desk, in many different colours. Playing with this colourful pile brought forward a delicious combo of moss green, yellow and rusty orange. I knew that whatever I made next, it had to have these colours. Thus, Sophie's colour scheme was decided.

Sophie is available as a pattern via Ravelry (or click here to buy now - no Ravelry account needed) and from my Etsy shop.

Want to see more creature introductions?


  1. She is such a pretty lady :)

  2. I am not one for snakes and reptiles, but O.M.G. this one is too cute!
