The infrequent posts continue. It's surprising how quickly you get tired when your lungs aren't working properly, I just haven't had the energy to write. But anyway, I didn't start writing to whine, I started writing because I wanted to show you something!
My last showoff was a scarflette and this post continues on the same track. I found a lovely grey yarn that simply demanded to be turned into neckwear.

I first knitted
this scarflette, which I'm very pleased with. Its cable pattern is my own design, inspired by Celtic and Viking knotwork. It's one I've used before, for example in
this headband. I shall no doubt use it again, for it's one of my favourites.

When eagerly knitting neckwear, one mustn't forget about the monsters. This
monster scarf was the second one I made. It's similar to its
red cousin, but the materials are different.
I have a red cabled neckwarmer on the way and many more designs fizzing in my head. I don't know where this sudden fascination with neckwear came from, but I may as well make the most of it while it lasts!