Behold, more dragons! Batch 28 has arrived. Yup, I'm on a tiny dragon spree again and already working on the next batch. 'Tis an addiction.

From left to right:
#136. Coffey - brown and black
#137. Lena - light purple and dark pink
#138. Bronwyn - pale green and dark brown
#139. Casper - sky blue and rusty orange
#140. Emma - grey and purple
Here's how it works: Every now and then I make a batch of 5 dragons. Each dragon has a unique set of colours and they get a signed hatching certificate with their name, number and date.
When they're ready to list, I post an introduction on this blog like the one above. During the following few days, I'll list them in numerical order in my Etsy shop. Should you happen to spot one you must have, let me know and I can reserve it for you.