On the plus side, I have some photos! Very belated ones, if you look at my previous post. These are from the week-long, totally unplanned emergency trip to Boston. Despite the unplanned emergency part, it was good.
I'm officially Travelled Out for now. Now I just have to try to figure out what a normal life is supposed to look like again.

The obligatory American bagel.

It looked fun. I should have joined them.

A pretty part of a park in downtown Boston.

Yum yum yum! Moments later I managed to knock Mr Morrgan's drink to the ground. Oops. I got him a new one though.

Enjoying the Harvard campus.
those drinks look fantastic! :)
I takes me awhile to get back to a normal routine after traveling too.
I'm glad to see you had some fun though! :) Travelling can be tiresome but also very rewarding! :)
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