Why grumpy, I hear you ask? Well first of all, this particular teenage boy unicorn happens to be very pink. Just how is a poor unicorn supposed to impress that cute pegasus girl when he's as pink as can be? AND named Hubert? Seriously, what were his parents thinking?
If only he was a cool steely grey like his uncle Reginald, then things would be different. Or at least had uncle Reginald's name. Now there's a proper noble name for a mighty unicorn, sure to impress any cute pegasus. Not at all silly. Unlike Huuuubert.
But no, that wasn't to be. This little guy is pink Hubert. A very grumpy pink Hubert.
Hubert is another little creature that came about one sleepless night. I wrote his description at the beginning of January, but it took a while before I was able to put my idea into knit form. Hubert will be available in my Etsy shop soon, as both finished unicorn and pattern.
awwww, lol! hubert is far to cute to be grumpy ;)
If he's not impressing the pegasus girl, he sure is impressing me! :)
Great unicorn you have made!!!
Hahahaaa... I SO love your descriptions! :)
And he's beautiful in all his grumpiness!
He's a sweety !
LOL - I like him and the story so much :)
Your story is like a book for children! So lovely and I love Hubert too :)
Ha ha, what a funny story and such a cute little unicorn :)
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