(Hopefully I'll get the chance to visit my blog and yours occasionally during this time. We'll see.)
Now for the fun fun stuff. Are you bored at work sometimes? In need of break?

Let me introduce you to QWOP. This silly little game made both Mr Morrgan and I actually Laugh Out Loud, many many times. How far can you get? (I made it to a whole 53 meters, such a proud moment.)
I cannot get him off the finish line. :( I will try again later.
Oh, Morrgan, this game is too funny!!!
My boy is better than me. I only managed about 9m in a weird way. But he could once walked(!) up to 15m and kneeling even over 50m.
He gave me the tip to press O & W together first to walk. And then.. I forgot. To kneel press W and alternating O/P together. But maybe only he can do it, since I never managed it *lol*
Oh, Morrgan, I just tried to press W+O and then Q+P alternately and... he RAN!! Thought, I have to let you know :) Now off to bed. Good night!
Haha, congrats! :D I've only gotten him to run two or three steps, the rest of the time the style has been rather... imaginative. ;) But therein lies the fun!
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