I did manage to get some happy happy fun time in this weekend, with a visit to a big handicrafts fair here in Turku. It was combined with other themes as well, such as art, antiques and old toys. Mr Morrgan came along and his favourite bit was, surprisingly, the handicrafts part, although he also enjoyed the electric trains, which were set up and buzzing around on a big table, and a few neat veteran cars that were on display.
My main goal was of course yarn. However, I didn't bring a single ball of yarn home. I'm not sure how this happened. Something must have malfunctioned in my brain.

As luck would have it, we also found the exact same jumbo coffee cups as the one I broke the day before from one of the antiques tables. Very lucky, as these are no longer available in stores but are too recent to be found in antiques shops very often. So now I can enjoy my half a liter of coffee every morning again and Mr Morrgan is no longer grumpy at me about the broken cup. We're a couple of lucky ducks, oh yes.
I'd like to say I'll be posting more often from now on, but really, I can't promise that'll happen. In addition to the work-related stuff, we're now looking at buying a place to live, so free time will be in short supply. Exciting times, though!
well, I had missed you, but I understand, life is busy! Good luck with the house hunting! ^^
Happy to take a peek into your weekend and I keep my fingers crossed for your home searching :)
Thank you both! Exciting times, as I said. :)
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