As you can see, I'm back on the internet. I spent the previous week relaxing with family and it was all good. So what happens when I get back home? BAM, I get a summer flu. A very mean flu too. It meant I couldn't do much other than go "oh woe is meeee" in bed in a plaintive voice, hoping Mr Morrgan would take pity on me and bring me nice things to eat and drink. (Which he did.)
It also meant I haven't been able to do any knitting. However, I'm a person who can't sit still for very long. Once I was well enough to get out of bed, I needed a project to work on. While browsing blogs, I came upon a photo of homemade ice cream. And BAM again, it hit me: I must make homemade ice cream!

Behold my first batch of ice cream!
As I can't follow a recipe to save my life, I got creative about this too. "Coconut ice cream? Boooring, when I can make a few modifications and make piña colada ice cream instead! Can't find a recipe for that? No problem, just take this and that, and add some of those with a pinch of these..." Well, you see how it goes.
In the end I made up a recipe of my own for homemade piña colada ice cream, made from scratch with whipping cream, cream of coconut, crushed pineapple, white rum etc. No eggs, no ice cream machine. For a first try, I'm very pleased! As is Mr Morrgan, who now has the flu too and needs ice cream to soothe his aching throat (or so he claims).
While surprisingly close in texture to storebought ice cream, it's not perfect yet. I'll fiddle with the recipe some more and when I'm happy with it, I'll share it on this blog. Fun times. =)
Want to see the creative spaces of others? Head on over to
Kootoyoo's blog for a look!