I'll start by showing the main flower box and how it's evolved over the past 3 months. This year I'm going for red and white, with a bit of yellow here and there. This box has red Petunias and a red Pelargonium (sorry, not sure what the English name for them is), together with white Lobelias (one of my faves).



Very pleased with how it's turned out, both colourwise and in shape. =)
I also got tomatoes this year too, since they were such a success last year. This time I have one bushy one like last year, and one new kind, a tall climby one. (Great scientific terms, eh? ;) The tall one shown below is almost as tall as me!

Looks gorgeous!
Our peas are almost ready, and there are so many of them, yum. I still don't dare to grow tomatoes for some reason, is it hard for a beginner?
Thanks Ekaterina! I've found tomatoes to be very easy, as long as you have a sunny spot for them and remember to water them lots. In fact, I have had more trouble trying to grow peas. ;)
We are also enjoying our Garden!
Yours looks wonderful!!!
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