A: She fills it up with yarn, of course!

Alas, I must admit it's not the most practical form of storage. Even a tower this tall will only hold a fraction of my yarns. Sure, I was able to empty a whole box of yarn into this, but there's another 8 boxes of yarn in the storage room.
It does look rather pretty though, doesn't it? =) Some colour is just what that empty white space needed.

It looks wonderful!!
I love it! What a great idea - I'm imagining my fabric in a cd tower now. : )
Where did you get your
Hi Jo Anne,
It came from a friend, I'm afraid I don't know where they got it originally.
The cd tower is from IKEA
Ikea has a tower like that but they want $
99 to ship it!!
They are definitely from Ikea. I have four of them & use them to store my yarn & my fat quarters. You sometimes find them on second hand sites such as Kijiji or Craigslist.
Love this idea, I'm going to use it. I see tall metal CD towers all the time @ second hand stores.
Thanks for sharing.
I Wish you would post a picture of them
Thank you for the suggestion! I think I will try to get a CD tower as well to store my yarn .
Interesting post, I enjoyed read this.
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