The knitted seasons ACEO series is done! Today I listed
'Winter White' in my Etsy shop, which features a wintry landscape, complete with a snowman. Like the others, it was knitted from a cotton-acrylic blend.
My husband said the snowman looked like a stack of snowballs when I asked him what he thought, yet he wasn't able to guess that it was a snowman. Hmpf. Sometimes I don't know about that man. ;)

I'm quite pleased with the whole series. It turned out just as I had pictured (hard-to-decipher snowmen and all), plus there was all the fun I had playing around with cables and bobbles in a miniature format. I already have a few new projects planned (and one started), using similar imagery but with more practical applications. Stay tuned for those. Thank you
Celeste and
Karen for your suggestions!
What a cool idea!
Oh--this is great! I hit "random" on the Indie Blog Ring---and found you!
wow!!!! those are awesome!!
Hi there! Thanks for the comment on my blog - I'm sure you could find a way to make the brochure work for yarn. Perhaps little swirls glued on each square?
I really like those ACEOs - good work =)
Great idea! They are all so pretty!!
Those are very pretty - lovely colors and textures!
Those are just lovely!
Those are absolutely stunning. I want one.
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