Welcome to Morrgan's Creatures, a place on the net where I show off handmade creatures and creations of my own design.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Something Fishy, part 2
I promised you photos from the aquarium weekend, didn't I? Well, here they are! It was a very good weekend with many visitors - the reason why these photos are so people-free is that I was too busy during the hours the show was open to take any photos and thus ended up with mostly ones I took before the event.
Here's three of the eleven fish tanks in the show. The one on the left, with the oh-so-gorgeous black plastic covering three sides, is one of mine.
The second one I brought to the show, set up just for this event. You can see its (borrowed) inhabitant in the top middle part of the tank - an apple snail.
Mr Morrgan, giving this photo an air of mystery with his odd pose. What is he looking at??
The garden is a fantastic place for an aquarium exhibition; the tropical surroundings are just perfect.
One of the garden's beauties, an Epiphyllum of some kind.
What a lovely setting the show was in. I'm glad it was such a succes! Congrats! :)
A lovely setting indeed! I like how blue and green that first photo is - magical! : )
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